You may have heard of the term BRIX, but what does to really mean? The BRIX Scale is actually a summation of the pounds of sucrose, fructose, vitamins, minerals acids, proteins, hormones and other solids in one hundred pounds of […]
You may have heard of the term BRIX, but what does to really mean? The BRIX Scale is actually a summation of the pounds of sucrose, fructose, vitamins, minerals acids, proteins, hormones and other solids in one hundred pounds of […]
In this post, we’ll explain how BRIX values determine fruit and vegetable quality. BRIX values are a measure of the sugar content in fruits and vegetables, and they are commonly used to determine the quality and maturity of these products. […]
Why do higher BRIX values reduce pest and disease attacks? “QUORUM SENSING” and Higher BRIX levels are two significant advantages that SUMAGROW usage creates. HIGHER BRIX LEVELS produce “mineral density” which reduces pest and disease attacks. The higher BRIX content […]
Which fertilizer contains up to 30 different nitrogen-loving microbial strains? It’s not any fertilizer you’re probably used to. It’s a revolutionary new liquid nitrogen-loving bio-nutrient formula called SumaGrow. 80% 0F THE ATMOSPHERE OR AIR CONTAINS NITROGEN! Floating above every acre […]
As a farmer, you’ve probably wondered about ways to reduce harmful pesticide use. Like a JAMES BOND martini… JUST SHAKE or STIR SUMAGROW… No mixing required. THEN SIMPLY POUR IT INTO YOUR IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. SUMAGROW IS SIMPLE AND EASY TO […]
If you own a farm or a ranch, you’ve likely wondered, “how can I get bigger and healthier livestock on my farm?” MORE MONEY FOR YOU WHEN YOU GO TO MARKET. Contact us to learn more about SumaGrow.
Can plants resist invasion from pathogens? With SumaGrow, it’s easy. Soil microorganisms both digest nutrients and protect against pathogens and other diseases and threats. Bacteria form a Biofilm around the roots of a plant, so microbial pathogens and soil-dwelling parasites […]
Farmers have timelessly asked the question: “How can I reduce disease on my farm?” Common diseases. Contact Us to learn more about disease resistant SumaGrow.
Have you ever wondered, “How can I reduce water runoff on my farm?” SumaGrow is the solution. Microbes build “SOIL HIGHWAYS” providing efficient transport and storage of water, gasses, nutrients. The water holding capacity of the soil is dramatically increased. […]
SumaGrow International
1534 Tenth St., Suite #10
Santa Monica, CA 90401
©2024 SumaGrow, International – Premier OMRI Organic Certified Biofertilizer