A solid trial resulting in a 14.3% yield increase while reducing the grower standard amount of fertilizer by 50%. The trial report also notes a huge increase in the soil organic matter which is the true test of soil health.
The SumaGrow treated plants had a mean height of 12.6, while the control plants had a mean height of 9.3 inches, so SumaGrow increased the mean height by 35.5%
A South African organic citrus farmer improved his tree survival rate to almost 100% (up from 50%) after applying ExploGrow (SumaGrow), three years after replanting new organic citrus trees into “very old citrus soil”.
T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow, no fertilizer) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.
T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow, no fertilizer) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.
Size (weight): Size increase of 40% is a fantastic early stage result. In further testing, the farmer reported approximately 30% more tomatoes per plant!
A 55 gallon drum was filled with seawater from a boat launch in Long Beach, California. On Monday, 200mL of URB Water (Pro-con as it is referred to in report) was added to a 5 gallon pail filled with seawater. The procedure was repeated two more times. The three 5 gallon pails were taken to Joyful Farms in Hemet, California.
SumaGrow bio-organic fertilizer out-performed all the 5 Carrot farm lands on quality by +28.71% with a yield increase of +12.8% (on average).
Here are the results from a study done at Rutgers University by Professor Joseph R. Heckman, on growing cabbage. At Hort – 3 Veg Research Farm, the SumaGrow heads were 23% larger. The average of the brix content overall favored the SumaGrow heads by an average of 14%.
Bottom Line: Cost savings, increased ROI, with a regenerative, sustainable solution for increased yields now and in the future.
Soil and foliar applications with excellent results in increased Brix level, more resistance to extreme temperature, larger and tastier fruits.
Throughout the study conducted by Ergoefarmogi, the plants went from lifeless to thriving – and this was achieved without the use of fertilizer.
The (SumaGrow) treated vines produced over 4 tons per acre and the untreated vines were only one ton per acre.
Harvesting actually began 9 days earlier than normal and the stems were thicker than normal in many cases. The mustard greens shown below are a 60 day crop, but 5% of the crop were ready to be harvested 10 days early.
This article was written by Dr. Lalithakumari Janarthanam who served for six years as our Director of Research & Development
The estimated return on investment for this onion harvest is 3,959%. This translates to an estimated financial gain of $68,953.84 US dollars.
There was a 14.3% gram increase on the SumaGrow treated bell peppers. There was also increased foliage, increased root structure, all on top of the increased weight per fruit.
In the present investigations it is proved that the inoculation of multifunctional microbial formulation to the soil improves soil quality, soil health, plant health, growth, yield, and quality of a broad spectrum of crops reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide input.
Watch this video of a potato trial, which increased the yield by 79% and the brix (natural sugars and nutrients) levels by 57%!
SumaGrow demonstrated an increase in the number of saleable pumpkins produced as compared to the untreated control.
Results: Statistics for the SumaGrow treatment of 1 application at 1.8 gal/a at the WIU site reveal a significant soybean yield improvement using the product with an increase of 9.8 bu/a over the highest yielding control.
In the present investigations it is proved that the inoculation of multifunctional microbial formulation to the soil improves soil quality, soil health, plant health, growth, yield, and quality of a broad spectrum of crops reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide input.
Soil analysis reports are invaluable tools for farmers and gardeners. They contain a wealth of information that is vital when determining what treatment program is necessary for the crops before and after planting.
The crop had an increase yield of 13.5%. Despite heavy rains, the quality of the crop was much better.
Sugarcane inoculated with SumaGrow has produced 114 tons more sugar per hectare, 32.5% additional harvest. $10,000 extra EARNINGS for each hectare that you grow!
This university study doesn’t have many specifics, however, we do know the lint (what the farmer actually gets paid on) yield increase went up 28.3%. Three gallons of SumaGrow were used per acre due to poor soil health.
The test data from SumaGrow treated T2 field showed impressive results, higher plant heights and more multiple stems at just month trial period.
The height, width, number of buds and size of buds all increased by at least 25%, leading us to conclude that the average yield increase was over 80% (see link to report below).
Joyful Farms is located in Hemet, California, where 37 types of Chinese vegetables like bok choy, mustard greens, nira, etc. are grown.
Normal year for tonnage on my alfalfa I run 5-7 ton/acre and we usually get 3-4 cuttings. This field is already in it’s fifth year of production and I harvested 8 tons of alfalfa from it this year.
Soil analysis reports are invaluable tools for farmers and gardeners. They contain a wealth of information that is vital when determining what treatment program is necessary for the crops before and after planting. Tim Foglio, manager of the Mink Pond Club, a 2500 acre hunting and fishing game park in Pennsylvania, has shared his soil analysis reports for the last two years.
Tim used SumaGrow for approximately three years in conjunction with his regular fertilizer and experienced really good results. The good results made him curious as to how well SumaGrow would work if used without fertilizer. He decided to really test it and did without his usual fertilizer with continued good results.
90 days after the tobacco was planted, bigger leaf size, dark green color, faster growing and taller plants were observed in the test field.
There is an obvious visual difference in the height and density of the two wheat fields.
SumaGrow International
1534 Tenth St., Suite #10
Santa Monica, CA 90401
©2024 SumaGrow, International – Premier OMRI Organic Certified Biofertilizer