California Farmers Increased Harvest in Chinese Vegetables
Joyful Farms is located in Hemet, California, where 37 types of Chinese vegetables like bok choy, mustard greens, nira, etc. are grown. Aidy Yang was hired to rehabilitate the soil and he began using 5 gallons of SumaGrow on 5 acres of their Long Run field with no other inputs. On the Short Run field, Aidy would use 5 gallons on 8 acres and reduced his fertilizer inputs by one half.
On September 10th, the vegetables crops Yu Choy and Mustard Greens were planted on 8 acres on the Short Run Field. Three days later on September 13th, a weed killer (herbicide) was sprayed on the Short Run Field. Three days after the herbicide (September 16th) six gallons of EarthCare with SumaGrow was sprayed on the Short Run field. On September 17th, the amount of chemical fertilizer was reduced by one-half. About two weeks later another three gallons of SumaGrow was applied to the 8 acres, which brought the total amount of SumaGrow used to 1.123 gallons per acre.
Harvesting actually began 9 days earlier than normal and the stems were thicker than normal in many cases (shown on the right). The mustard greens shown below are a 60 day crop, but 5% of the crop were ready to be harvested 10 days early.
The 5 acres of the Long Run fields (on the right side) that received only SumaGrow did not do as well as the fields that were treated with an organic fertilizer (left side).
On October 17th, Aidy applied 10 gallons of SumaGrow with no inputs to the 15 acres of the Long Run Fields. The fields were planted with Baby Bok Choy, Yu Choy and Mustard Greens. Organic fertilizer (chicken manure) was applied to all 15 acres at half the normal rate. Aidy returned to the Joyful Farms on December 5th to visit the Long Run Field and he was greeted with a green carpet of crops. The workers were thrilled because there were no weeds and they had experienced a much faster harvest times on the Short Run Field and were also looking forward to harvesting the Long Run field. As you can see, the Long Run Field did very well.