*The following text has been transcribed from a video interview with a South African farmer.*
“We used SumaGrow (referred to as ExploGrow) on our December* planting of onions. We normally harvest an average of 55 tons per hectare on our December planting. The final tonnage added up to 104.2 tons per hectare. This was an 89.45% increase, which equals an increase of 49.2 tons per hectare. The only change made to our normal onion program was that we added SumaGrow together with the recommended food products for SumaGrow. We are very excited about the road ahead. We immediately applied SumaGrow to all our potato crops. Now we are also very excited to see what SumaGrow will achieve with our potatoes.”
The estimated return on investment for this onion harvest is 3,959%. This translates to an estimated financial gain of $68,953.84 US dollars.